This is the third of four volumes. This program will focus on expanding your vocabulary and sentence formation. Here is a highlight of what Amharic 103 will teach you ....
VOCABULARY: There is a whole lesson dedicated to teaching you various vocabulary words. The categories include: colors, numbers, calendar, various professions names of domestic and wild animals, family structure, house items (including objects found in various rooms of a home), men and women clothing, human anatomy, car parts, and food in general.
ADVANCED GRAMMAR : Amharic 103 will teach you more grammar to form complex sentences. We will also learn how to form questions and expand our vocabulary base in this program. Here are some of the major grammar topics covered in Amharic 103 ...
PUNCTUATION & SENTENCE ORDER: We are now ready to start putting together more complex sentences. Therefore, we will need to learn Amharic punctuation and study sentence formation in detail.
GENDER MARKERS : Inanimate objects in Amharic have assigned genders. The gender is often reflected in the verb and subject. This section discusses gender markers in detail
PLURAL MARKERS: Similar to the gender marker, there are other markers such as the plural marker that we will learn in this lesson.
PERSONAL PRONOUNS, DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS, DEFINITE ARTICLES, CONJUNCTIONS, AND PREPOSITIONS: We will continue to learn more grammar in this section. This will enable us to form more complex sentences in the upcoming lessons.
FORMING SIMPLE QUESTIONS & VERB CONJUGATION : We will learn a great deal of new verbs and other vocabulary words in preparation for sentence construction.
SHORT STORIES: Now that we have learned the Amharic alphabet, reading, grammar, verb conjugation in the present tense, and expanded our vocabulary base, we are ready to start reading short stories in Amharic. These stories are simple to follow with English translation at your finger tips. The Short Stories in Amharic 104 will be more complex and difficult in comparison.
MINI DICTIONARY : Amharic 103 has a mini dictionary that covers important and often used words.
MORE IMPORTANT PHRASES: Each program has a section called "Quick Fix". You will learn important and often used phrases in this section. From simple greetings to asking various questions. You can memorize these phrases and use them right away to converse in Amharic. If you objective is to learn Amharic phrases only, please see our Amharic The EZ Way program.
There are also extra material such as: Brief Ethiopian History, Ethiopian History Time Line, back ground information on the Amharic language and Ethiopia in general.